
Greatyu Group went to Suichuan, Jiangxi to carry out a donation ceremony for the "Chunhui Beautiful Kitchen" project

On December 27, 2023, Yuan Feng, Chairman of Greatyu Group, and his delegation went to Suichuan County School in the revolutionary old area of Jiangxi Province to hold a donation ceremony for the "Chunhui Beautiful Kitchen" project. Leaders including Zheng Xianguo, President of Zhongrui Yuehua (Shanghai) Project Management Co., Ltd., Pang Aqiang, Deputy Secretary of Suichuan County Committee, Guo Yonghua, Secretary of Daijiapu Township Party Committee, Suichuan County, Liu Lihe, Director of Suichuan County Customs Work Committee, Zhang Wei, Director of Suichuan County Committee for Retired Cadres, Zhang Xiaoqu, Secretary of Suichuan County Education and Sports Bureau Party Work Committee, and Principal of Daijiapu Central Primary School in Suichuan County attended the donation ceremony.

   At the donation ceremony, the leaders of Suichuan County expressed sincere gratitude to the donor for generously donating the "Chunhui Meichu" project, and highly praised the donor's contribution to the development of education in the revolutionary old areas. During the ceremony, Kunshan Greatyu International Logistics Service Co., Ltd. donated 200000 yuan.

In the future, Greatyu Group will continue to assume corporate social responsibility, actively carry out social welfare projects within its capabilities, actively fulfill social missions, and continue to contribute to economic and social development and environmental harmony.

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